Biography: Dr. Jovana Jakovljević Uzelac is an assistant, employed since 2012 at the Institute of Medical Physiology, Medical Faculty in Belgrade. The Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, finished in 2010. Doctoral academic studies, the module of Physiology Science enrolled in the school year 2011/2012. The topic of the doctoral dissertation “The influence of vitamin B6 and folic acid on functional, biochemical and immunohistochemical characteristics of the cardiovascular system of rats with cardiac insufficiency caused by monocrotaline” was approved at the Council of Scientific Areas of Medical Sciences of the University of Belgrade, and Professor Dragan Đurić was appointed mentor. Jovana Jakovljevic Uzelac is a member of the Laboratory for Cardiovascular Physiology in which research is carried out on the project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia titled “Effects of homocysteine and homocysteine-related substances on the cardiovascular system: the role of gasotransmitters of NO, H2S and CO”, and the project is headed by Professor dr Dragan Đurić. Since 2014 she has been engaged in the same project. Also, Jovana Jakovljevic Uzelac has been engaged in the project entitled “The importance of polymorphism of glutathione S-transferase in susceptibility to illness” (Project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia), which is headed by Professor dr Tatjana Simic. Specialization in Laboratory Medicine was enrolled in 2013.
Fields of interests: cardiovascular physiology, oxidative stress
Participation in professional symposiums and scientific conferences:
- 85th EAS Congress, Czech Republic, 2017
- 8th International Symposium on Neurocardiology, Neurocard, Serbia, 2016
- Symposium on the occasion of 30 years of “Blaubeuren Conferences” of the Tübingen Institute of Physiology with special participation from the Danubian countries, Inflammatory Diseases – pathophysiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects, Blaubeuren, Germany, 2014
- Heart failure 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012
List of scientific papers:
Original papers in extenso in journals from JCR (journal citation reports) lists:
- Uzelac Jakovljevic J, Stanic M, Krstic D, Colovic M, Djuric D. Effects of homocisteine and its related compounds on oxygen consumption of the rat heart tissue homogenate: the role of different gasotransmitters. Mol Cell Biochem 2017, In press doi 10.1007/s11010-017-3238-z (M23, IF=2,669)
- Suvakov S, Damjanovic T, Pekmezovic T, Jakovljevic J, Savic-Radojevic A, Pljesa-Ercegovac M, Radovanovic S, Simic DV, Pljesa S, Zarkovic M, Mimic-Oka J, Dimkovic N, Simic T. Associations between GSTM1*0 and GSTA1*A genotypes with the risk of cardiovascular death among hemodialyses patients. BioMed Central Nephrology 2014 ( M23, IF= 1,644)
- Skoric D, Joksic I, Radic T, Jakovljevic J, Ivanovski P, Simic T. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and glutathione S-tranferase gene polymorphisms in secondary mixed phenotype acute leukemia: a case report. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2014 ( M23, IF= 0,973)
- Suvakov S, Damjanovic T, Stefanovic A, Pekmezovic T, Savic-Radojevic A, Pljesa-Ercegovac M, Matic M, Djukic T, Coric V, Jakovljevic J, Ivanisevic J, Pljesa S, Jelic-Ivanovic Z, Mimic-Oka J, Dimkovic N, Simic T. Glutathione S-transferase A1, M1, P1 and T1 null or low-activity genotypes are associated with enhanced oxidative damage among haemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013;28(1):202-12 ( M21, IF= 3,371)
Participation in symposiums and scientific conferences:
- Djuric D, Micovic Z, Stamenković A, Jakovljević Uzelac J, Stojanović M, Sćepanović Lj, Mitrović D, Labudović Borović M, Krstić D, Colović M, Obrenović R, Hadzibegović A, Kostić S, Sobot T, Jakovljević V. Joint Meeting of National Physiological Societies ’New perspectives in physiological research-young investigator forum’, Serbia, 2017
- Jakovljević Uzelac J, Colović M, Krstić D, Djurić M, Djurić D. The effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibition following acute administration of homocysteine on oxidative stress markers in rat plasma. 85th EAS Congress, Czech Republic, 2017
- Djurić D, Obrenović R, Djurić M, Stevanović A, Jakovljević J, Kostić S, Hadzibegović A, Stanojlović O. The effects of subchronic methionine load alters certain biochemical parameters, vitamin B12 level and von Willebrand factor activity in blood of male wistar rats. 31st annual convention of
the German Atherosclerosis Society, Germany, 2017 - Djurić D, Colović M, Krstić D, Obrenović R, Djurić M, Stevanović M, Stamenković A, Jakovljević Uzelac J,Kostić S, Hadzibegović A.The effects of subchronic methionine overload on body weight, standard biochemical parameters, homocysteine level and onse plasma oxidative stress following acute methionine administration in male wistar rats. 8th International Symposium on Neurocardiology is a Medical, Cardiology and Neurology Symposium, Neurocard, Serbia, 2016
- Djurić D, Zivković V, Jeremić N, Srejović I, Djordjević D, Colović M, Stanić M, Krstić D, Djurić M, Stevanović A, Jakovljević J, Radenković M, Stanojlović O, Jakovljević V. Cardiovascular effects of homocysteine and related thiolactone metabolites: what we learnt from extensive five years lasting research? 2nd joint Meeting of Slovak and Serbian Physiological Societies ’Physiology without frontiers’, Slovakia, 2016
- Stanić M, Zakrzewska J, Miladinović Z, Jakovljević J, Čolović M, Krstić D, Djurić D. Effects of homocysteine isoforms on oxygen consumption of the rat heart tissue homogenate: the role of different gasotransmitters.3rd congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with international Participation, Serbia, 2014
- Veselinovic M, Jakovljevic J, Zivkovic V, Toncev S, Jakovljevic V, Djuric D. Clinical parameters of endothelial dysfunction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the results of an observational study. Symposium on occasion of 30 years of “Blaubeuren Conferences” of the Tübingen Institute of Physiology with special participation from Danubian countries, Inflammatory Diseases – pathophysiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects, Blaubeuren, Germany, 2014
- Djuric D, Zivkovic V, Srejovic I, Joksimovic J, Selakovic D, Barudzic N, Jakovljevic J, Jakovljevic V. Effects DL-homocysteine thiolactone on cardiac contractility, coronary flow, and oxidative stress markers in the isolated rat heart: the role of different gasotransmitters. Symposium on occasion of 30 years of “Blaubeuren Conferences” of the Tübingen Institute of Physiology with special participation from Danubian countries, Inflammatory Diseases – pathophysiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects, Blaubeuren, Germany, 2014
- Savic Radojevic A, Simic T, Bozic I, Bjekic Macut J, Coric V, Djukic T, Jakovljevic J, Zarkovic M, Panidis D, Macut Dj. Effect of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia on glutathione peroxidase activity in non-obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Inernational Symposium on Advances in PCOS, Serbia, 2012, FC2
- Ercegovac M, Coric V, Simic T, Jovic N, Sokic D, Jakovljevic J, Kecmanovic M, Nikolic D, Jankovic S, Savic-Radojevic A, Pljesa-Ercegovac M. Glutathione Transferase Polymorphisms in Patients with Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy. 10th European Congress on Epileptology London, UK, 2012, P065
- Coric V, Pljesa Ercegovac M, Matic M, Suvakov S, Jakovljevic J, Savic Radojevic A, Djukic T, Simic T. Glutathione S‐transferase single nucleotide gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to renal cell carcinoma: Serbian case‐control study”, Proceedings for SFRR-/IUBMB Advanced School 2012, Spetses, Greece, 2012, P08
- Coric V, Jankovic N, Radovanovic S, Suvakov S, Јakovljevic J, Djukic T, Rakocevic I, Simic DV. GSTM1 and GSTT1-Null genotypes are associated with higher risk of chronic heart failure among hypertensive and obese Heart failure 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012, Abstract 60962
- Pljesa-Ercegovac M, Coric V, Matic M, Suvakov S, Jakovljevic J, Djukic T, Savic-Radojevic A, Simic T. Genetic polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferases A1, M1 and T1 and risk of renal cell carcinoma: Serbian case-control study. 4th Annual Meeting on Cancer and Control of Genomic Integrity, Zandvoort, Netherlands, 2011, Abstract book, p50.
- Savic-Radojevic A, Djukic T, Pljesa-Ercegovac M, Matic M, Suvakov S, Coric V, Jakovljevic J, Simic T. GSTM1-null genotype is associated with higher degree of DNA damage in patients with urinary bladder carcinoma. 4th Annual Meeting on Cancer and Control of Genomic Integrity, Zandvoort, Netherlands, 2011, Abstract book, p52.
- Coric V, Pljesa-Ercegovac M, Matic M, Suvakov S, Jakovljevic J, Savic-Radojevic A, Djukic T, Simic T. Glutathione S-transferase A1, M1 and T1 gene polymorphism and susceptibility to renal cell carcinoma: Serbian case-control study. Society for Free Radical Research – Europe Meeting 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011, Abstract book, P3-091.
- Suvakov S, Damjanovic T, Dimkovic N, Pljesa S, Coric V, Matic M, Jakovljevic J, Pljesa-Ercegovac M, Savic-Radojevic A, Djukic T, Simic T. Chronic renal failure patients with Val105Val genotype exhibit enhanced oxidative stress. Society for Free Radical Research – Europe Meeting 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011, Abstract book, P1-020.
- Jakovljevic J, Matic M, , Suvakov S, Coric V, Djukic T, Savic-Radojevic A , Pljesa-Ercegovac M, Simic T. Glutathione S-transferase A1 and P1 polymorphism and risk of smoking-related bladder cancer. Society for Free Radical Research – Europe Meeting 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011, Abstract book, YIS-05.
- Milovanović B, Krajinović T, Milićević N, Jovanović M, Jakovljević J. The short time poincare plot and autonomic dysfunction in patients with myocardial infarction. International Symposium on Neurocardiology-Neurocard 2009, Belgrade, Serbia, 2009, Abstract book p32.
- Milovanovic B, Jovanovic M, Jakovljevic J. Heritability of heart rate variability and autonomic nervous system adjustment (ANSA): New approach in diagnosis and treatment of syncope. III Russian Congress, Clinical Electrocardiology, Санкт-Петербург, Russia, 2009, Abstract book p129.
- Luka S, Svetel M, Kostic V, Krotin M, Milovanovic A, Jovanovic M, Jakovljevic J, Kostic S. Depressed heart rate variability and sudden heart death risk in patients with Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy. 12th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Madrid, Spain, 2008, Abstract book p242.
- Milovanovic B, Bisenic V, Krotin M, Andrejic J, Banicevic S, Jovanovic M, Jakovljevic J, Kopanja D, Saponjski J. The short time poincare plot form and parameters of heart rate variability in early and late phase after myocardial infarction. II Russian Congress, Clinical Electrocardiology, Суздалб, Russia, 2008, Abstract book p38.
- Milovanovic B, Bisenic V, Banicevic S, Andrejic J, Krotin M, Kopanja D, Saponjski J, Rogozarski J, Jovanovic M, Jakovljevic J. The short time poincare plot form and cardiac death risk in patients with myocardial infarction. X International Congress, International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Zakopane Koscielisko, Poland, 2008, Abstract book p10.
- Jakovljevic J, Aleksic A, Vasilić Dj. Risk factors for age-related hip fracture identified in population of Serbia. 15th Annual International Ain Shams Medical Students’ Congress, Cairo, Egypt, 2007, Abstract book
- Jakovljević J, Đukić T, Savić-Radojević A, Matić M, Plješa-Ercegovac M, Šuvakov S, Ćorić V i Simić T. GSTM1-null genotype is associated with higher degree of DNA damage in patients with urinary bladder carcinoma. First congress „Mitochondria and free radicals in Biomedicine“, Belgrade, 2011, Abstract book p61.
- Matić M, Pekmezović T, Đukić T, Mimic-Oka J, Dragičević D, Krivić B, Šuvakov S, Savić-Radojević A, Plješa-Ercegovac M, Ćorić V, Jakovljević J i Simić T. Glutathione transferase as biomarkers of the risk of developing bladder cancer. First congress „Mitochondria and free radicals in Biomedicine“, Belgrade, 2011, Abstract book 20.
- Šuvakov S, Damjanović T, Dimković N, Plješa S, Ćorić V, Matić M, Jakovljević J, Plješa-Ercegovac M, Savić-Radojević A, Đukić T i Simić T. Chronic renal failure patients with Val105Val genotype exhibit enhanced oxidative stress. First congress „Mitochondria and free radicals in Biomedicine“, Belgrade, 2011, Abstract book 36.
- Ćorić V, Plješa-Ercegovac M, Matić M, Šuvakov S, Jakovljević J, Đukić T, Savić-Radojević A i Simić T. Glutathione S-transferase A1, M1 and T1 gene polymorphism and susceptibility to renal cell carcinoma. First congress „Mitochondria and free radicals in Biomedicine“, Belgrade, 2011, Abstract book 82.